What made you want to become an occupational therapist?
Since I was young, I have been inclined to be in a helping and caring profession. I find it meaningful and gratifying to be able to make a difference in others' lives. Being an Occupational Therapist definitely provides me the opportunity to do so. I love how Occupational Therapists view individuals holistically, placing emphasis not only on the physical but also the mental and social aspects of each unique person. I also like how Occupational Therapists use activities with clear goals for intervention. That is where creativity can be unleashed to enhance engagement. We learn best when we have fun!
In your years in occupational therapy, what have you learnt most?
Over the years, I have grown into a better version of myself and as an Occupational Therapist alongside with my clients. I learnt that each of us had our strengths and areas which could be improved. As we work on our areas of improvement, let us not forget our strengths as well! I feel honoured and humbled to be given so many opportunities to collaborate with many caregivers, clients and other professionals in the process of assessment, goal-setting, intervention planning and implementation, and transition planning. I learnt the importance of actively listening to everyone, respecting each others’ view and also working closely as a team to achieve our desired outcomes. When all of us come together, we will create the synergy required to achieve much more than we can alone. Every baby step we take together is worth celebrating!